Get customer experience to the next level
with our great search plugins

Elastic Jet
A replacement of the standard PrestaShop search functionality that dramatically improves
search result quality and search speed.
Can handle 100k+ products with great speed and allows tuning the search behavior depending
on each merchant's needs.
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Elastic Jet Search is a backend only module that has no front-end interface. It improves
all aspects of the search algorithm and uses the default interface to output data. It can
be used alone or with Savvy Search Autocomplete and some other plugins that by default
rely on the standard search.

Savvy Search
A truly advanced autocomplete module that can enhances usability of any online store.
The module shows a lot of data relevant to typed words like attributes, tags, categories,
products with pictures and descriptions, and even links to text CMS pages.
Find out more >
Savvy Search Autcomplete is an autocomplete module. When a customer is typing his query
the module shows related keywords, categories, products, and other data found in your
shop database. It refines the visual part and doesn’t change the search algorith. Use it
with Elastic Jet Search to get better search relevancy as well.
Check the backend admin panel >
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